La Note

Reading suggestions to better understand the experiences of Indigenous people

Written by GIR | Nov 7, 2022 3:12:29 PM

In an epistolary exchange with Innu poet Natasha Kanapé Fontaine about racism between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people, Quebec-American novelist Déni Ellis Béchard writes that "to better understand the experiences of Indigenous people, Non-Indigenous people need to read and listen to their stories." In this spirit, we suggest some of our favorite pieces to discover and to give as a gift.

For those who want to read testimonials from residential school survivors or engage in an exciting, thought-provoking, and enlightening discussion about racism and Indigenous/Non-Indigenous relations:

 Anne Panasuk, Auassat : à la recherche des enfants disparus, Édito, 2021.

Déni Ellis Béchard and Natasha Kanapé Fontaine, Kuei, My Friend: A Conversation on Race and Reconciliation, translated by Deni Ellis Béchard and Howard Scott, Talon Books Ltd, 2018. 

For everyone, a must-read graphic novel, a "window book" that allows you to hear the very real voice of Brianna Jonnie, a 14-year-old Ojibwe girl who wrote an open letter to the Winnipeg Police Chief in 2016 to implore him to do better when his force investigates cases of missing Indigenous People:

Brianna Jonnie and Nahanni Shingoose, If I go missing, illustrated by Neal Shannacappo, James Lorimer Limited, 2019.

For those who want to understand the realities of Indigenous people through stories or novels:

Naomi Fontaine, Shuni, Mémoire d’encrier, 2019.

Naomi Fontaine, Manikanetish, Mémoire d’encrier, 2017.

Michel Jean, Kukum, Éditions Libre Expression, 2019.

Michel Jean, Atuk : elle et nous, Éditions Libre Expression, 2021.

Michel Jean, Tiohtià:ke, Éditions Libre Expression, 2021.

Michel Jean, Le vent en parle encore, Éditions Stanké, 2015, "10 sur 10", 2022.


Finally, to educate and raise awareness among children through accessible, yet powerful works of courage, resilience and hope, as well as being beautifully illustrated:

 Mélanie Florence, Stollen Words, illustrations by Gabrielle Grimard, Second Story Press, 2017.

Christy Jordan-Fenton and Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, When I Was Eight, illustrations by Gabrielle Grimard, Annick Press, 2013.

Christy Jordan-Fenton and Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, Fatty Legs (10th Anniversary Edition), illustrations by Liz Amini-Holmes, Annick Press, 2020.

 Christy Jordan-Fenton and Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, A Stranger At Home, illustrations by Liz Amini-Holmes, Annick Press, 2011.